Prepare for the week ahead with confidence and vigour?


Feeling floppy this am, so there’s only one thing for it: write a list. Challenge yourself, I tell me firmly. Then, get it done!

Meanwhile, ‘What are we going to eat today,’ rings out plaintively from across the room

Do you have a Scoob, ladies? I don’t.

Another plan to make. If I feed the ravening hoards they might actually allow me to do some work today ? which means I will get my book in – sort of on time – flu did get in the way ???

Excuses Excuses!

The Sheikh’s Shock Child, opens dramatically eight years before the drama begins. My heroine is just fifteen at the time, but Millie’s character is already strongly drawn, as is the hero of this book. If Khalid thinks he can seduce the beautiful Millie to salve his conscience when a chance meeting brings them together eight years later, he’s in for a big surprise. Though Millie does have her own battles to fight…

She couldn’t think straight, or calm down, and it wasn’t anger driving her now, but emotion she’d kept contained for far too long. It was almost as if she’d been hypnotised by the sheikh, and he’d turned her feelings for him from bitter disappointment, even hatred, into something that left her racing toward an unknown destination at a pace beyond her control.

Well, I hope your weekend doesn’t fly away at a ‘pace beyond your control’ and that you enjoy every single second of it.


Susan xx

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