Wednesday is surprising fact day

Weather report: My old grannie used to say, if there’s enough blue in the sky to make a pair of sailor’s trousers, the weather will remain fine. I think I get my optimism from my old grannie! 😉

My, maybe not so surprising fact, thanks to my sweetheart, who makes everything possible.

I’m a graduate (Singing and piano) of the Royal College of Music, and also have a Masters degree in  Music from the University of York University here in the UK.

I arrived at the Royal college age 17 feeling pretty pleased with myself, and totally naive . I soon discovered that instead of being top of the heap, all the students were top of the heap!  But that’s life, isn’t it? When you’re rubbing up against people who go on to be world class stars, you have to find a niche where you fit in.

My Masters was an amazing experience, because I was lucky enough to work with the lutenist Anthony Rooley, whose wife, Emma Kirkby, was practically the goddess of early music back in the day, and I’d go so far as to say that the divine Emma has never been surpassed.

York had just opened a creche when I arrived, so the Sailor was right there on campus with me the entire time, while Wiggy and the Cyclist were at school. Uni fit in perfectly with my home life. Being me, of course, I had to pile on the pressure, so I took a postal course in Montessori teaching at the same time as my MA to be sure I was supporting my children to the maximum, but I remember that time as being happy, chaotic, frantic, and absolutely wonderful. Plus I made some fantastic new friends.

What’s your surprising fact?

Love to all,

Susan xx

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